A Love Letter to My Nieces & Nephews

Don't Settle

There is something about life that can beat the originality out of you. At some point I feel like I lost the spunky, fearless spirit I had as a young teen. As if I let other people’s thoughts, expectations and limitations infect me. I stopped standing out and started blending in, and it happened gradually so it’s tough to pinpoint exactly when it happened. I admire the people who don’t blunt their edges in order to conform. The people who believe in themselves, truly trust themselves. The people who have a vibe that feeds your soul and inspires you to get back in touch with who you are.

There are things I forgot as I grew up, messages I (and lots of other girls and boys) absorbed, experiences that taught me the wrong lessons. This makes me think about my nieces and nephews and I wonder, what wonderful spark will they lose as they grow up? What havoc will the world wreak on their distinctive personalities? Here’s what I hope they remember as they go through life:

  • You are amazing. Don’t bother comparing yourself to other people because you’re not in competition with them, there’s room for all of us to be amazing.
  • You are smart. Share that brain with the world, never hide it and never apologize for it.
  • You matter and what you say and do matters. Use your words and actions for good, not to hurt.
  • Don’t be afraid to take a risk. Try something new, put yourself out there. As you get older people will want you to tame your dreams, don’t listen to them.
  • Take in every moment. The people you love will be gone before you know it, make time to be with them, take pictures, record stories, make memories.
  • Don’t rush judgement, give people a chance (and a second chance if they need one).
  • Get involved. These years are too short to wish them away or to act older than you are, so join that club, try out for that play, go to that party.
  • These friends you think you’ll have forever? You have to be good to them if you want them to stick around.
  • Don’t believe the hype about anything. Question things and draw your on conclusions.
  • Savor every minute of this life. Play for as long as you can, avoid being “cool” at all costs, enjoy the weirdness of life, accept yourself and others as they are.

Life is wonderous, magical, tragic, exciting, painful, tedious, beautiful, ugly…..it’s everything. No matter what phase you’re in, it will end but if you keep listening to your heart, and trusting that you were put here for a reason, your life will be amazing. I hope that you live a life that inspires your children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren but most of all, I hope you live a life filled with love, acceptance and happiness.


Aunt V

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