Enchanted to meet you

Enchanted Conservatory

Meet Veronica

I’ve always imagined a daring life, one with adventure and intrigue.  Unfortunately for me, I’m on the shy side and tend to err on the side of safety.  But that doesn’t stop my imagination from throwing me into Ocean’s Eleven type situations (which makes me believe that I could probably be a jewel thief).  Luckily, I married a man with the most amazing legs sense of adventure (he does have the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen though).

Chris (that’s the husband) and I have decided not to have children which means I have plenty of time to try to make my life more adventurous.  Here’s the plan:  You and I are going to help each other live our best lives. I’m going to tell you about all of the new things I’m trying, learning or running scared from.  I hope that you’ll laugh with (or at) me and gain courage to try a few new things yourself.  I’ll need your encouraging words and stories of success to help fuel my fire!

Life is full of beautiful experiences and I’m tired of just pinning them or liking them on social media.  I am making a promise to myself, to push beyond my comfort zone, to learn and experience new things.  Adventure awaits, want to join me?