Making the Most of Thanksgiving in 2020

Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays. It has always felt cozy and special; the smell of coffee and bacon for breakfast, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, family coming together, delicious food, games and the beginning of the Christmas season. What’s not to love?

But, for many of us, the MOST important part will be missing this year. I have a loud, passionate family and I love everything about them, even (especially?) their faults. It’s times like this, when we’re forced apart by distance or circumstance that reminds me just how important they are to me (not that I NEED reminders, Universe!). My Instagram post from last Thanksgiving sums up how I feel every year:

Making the Most of this Thanksgiving

How to make this Thanksgiving special for me and Chris, since it will be just the two of us, has been on my mind quite a bit. I don’t want it to feel like just another day and I want to appreciate what this crazy year is giving us: Time to reflect, rest, go a little slower than normal. I definitely need a plan though, even if it’s a loose one, to ensure we don’t fill the day with useless social media or television. Here’s what I’m thinking:

How will you be celebrating Thanksgiving this year?


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