Color Therapy: The Benefits of Yellow

When you think of the color yellow what comes to mind? Sunshine, daisies, Easter eggs, beach blankets? Yellow, in so many cultures, evokes joy, happiness and light. It’s used to add warmth and friendliness to a space, but yellow can quickly go wrong for me. It has to be the RIGHT shade and honestly that’s hard to find. For some reason, in the USA (in New England at least), we tend toward muted, mustard or grayish yellows. Trying to find a canary yellow armchair is almost impossible….really! I envy the UK, they have the most beautiful fabric choices available to them- including canary yellow.

What I’m trying to say is, in nature I’m all in on yellow but when it comes to home décor and paint I’m usually disappointed. I need bright, happy yellows. Yellows that look like sunshine and lemons, in a variety of shades.

The Power of Yellow

Yellow is a powerful hue when it comes to color therapy and psychology. In Eastern Medicine, yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of personal power. When the solar plexus chakra is in alignment you have a strong sense of self, are joyful, expressive and excited to take on new things. When this chakra is out of alignment, the opposite is true. You may worry too much what others think, lack confidence or be depressed. Many of these beliefs translate to the benefits that the color yellow are thought to produce. Here’s a look at what seeing, wearing and decorating with yellow can do for you:

Your Shopping List

Anthropologie Drapes, Leopard Pillow, Fringe Lumbar Pillow, Leaf Pillow, Lumbar Pillow, Tassel, Fringe Pendant Light, Lamps, Sun Kissed Yellow Paint, Joyous Paint, Tile, Jar, Vases, Tea Pot, Napkins, Lemon Tea Towel, Lemon Bath Rug, Modern Chair, Mustard Couch, Snuggler Chair, Patio Umbrella (no longer available), Bistro Chair

Here’s to adding sunshine to our lives and building that personal power!


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