I Facercised for a month, here’s what happened

There’s something you should know about me, at any given time I am trying a new way to improve my way of life.  Most of the time that means doing or taking something that will make me healthier.  Facercise is something I’ve done on and off for years with positive results.  So, I decided to do facial exercises every day for a month to see what would happen.  Here are my results:

Facercise book
The first book I used

Honestly, I expected to see more of an improvement.  From top to bottom, I started with

  • A line across my forehead
  • Hooded eyelids
  • Fine lines on the corner of one of my eyes (I call it my tired wrinkle.  Before it decided to show itself all.of.the.time it was only visible in the morning when I was still puffy with sleep.)
  • I’m beginning to see a faint line on my chin.

I did notice an improvement in the lines around my eye, which I think was due to the exercises that built up my cheeks as well as the ones that worked the eye muscles.  I saw a slight improvement in my eyelids and my lips seem fuller.  Anyone who has thin lips will understand how exciting that is.  However, I didn’t see a change in the line across my forehead.  It may have faded a little bit, but that also could have been my mind playing tricks on me.  I do notice that my cheek bones are more pronounced, which is nice too.

I didn’t expect all of my wrinkles to disappear but, after a month, I expected my results to be more dramatic*.  I’m not discouraged though.  My face feels firmer due to these exercises and it feels good to give my face a workout.  I know that you’re probably hoping for some before and after pictures, but I’m not posting any.  I don’t think the results really showed in the pictures I took, maybe the lighting wasn’t right.  Whatever the reason, you wouldn’t be able to see the difference in these pictures and I don’t want that to distract you!

*I should note that I was drinking a lot the month I did this, probably 1 drink every day.  (What can I say, it was a tough month!)  I don’t usually do that, so I’m sure that hampered my results.  Next time I’ll try this sans alcohol IV.

5 minute facial workout
The book I used for the month.

My verdict is that facial exercises are worth it.  I did mine every night while watching a show, which made me feel productive rather than lazy.  It also provided my husband with endless entertainment.  These exercises are not pretty, but they work.  And, it will probably take longer than a month to see serious results but I suggest you try them.

Here are the books I’ve used, I linked to Barnes and Noble but you can probably find them at your local library (shout out to all the lovely librarians out there!)!

  1. Facercise by Carole Maggio
  2. The 5-Minute Facial Workout by Catherine Pez


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