Bejeweled Skull Perfect for Halloween Décor

Don’t you just love the eccentric characters in movies and books? The ones everyone assumes to be witches? They have cats napping in windows and herbs hanging over doorways, they have enchanting gardens and a skull or two balanced on top of books. Those kinds of characters always inspire me. They are usually unapologetic, quirky in the best ways, smart and insightful and much more interesting than the other characters.

Around Halloween I want to channel those witches (really anytime of year but especially Halloween). I want flowers and herbs to scent my home, black candles and pumpkins lighting my home and walkways. Skulls and bones that I might grind up to use in special potions. But instead of cobwebs and mice, I want jewels and glitter.

I have a skull that I put out every year, I spray painted it a metallic bronze the first year but have always wanted to add some glimmer. I’m sure you’ve seen those blinged-out skulls on Pinterest or in stores. I finally decided to do it, using beads and glitter I had around the house- so it cost me nothing. Here’s what I used:


  • Skull- I have a pretty sturdy ceramic one that I used. As I mentioned above, I had previously spray painted it a metallic bronze color. Leave yours as-is or paint it a fun color.
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks- this is how I attached everything
  • Beads- I used a few different kinds: medium sized pearl-like beads, small silver beads, small green/blue glass beads, tiny silver beads.
  • Glitter- I mostly used very fine silver glitter and some gold glitter

I took inspiration from a skull I saw on Pinterest, Pier 1 may have sold it originally, but really just did what spoke to me. The goal was to end with a skull you might find amidst buried treasure (hey, I’m allowed to channel witches and pirates all at once). I added beads and glitter until I could imagine it on One-eyed Willy’s ship.

Even if you don’t have a skull on hand, you can do something similar with a faux pumpkin. And you can use anything shiny or glittery you have around the house.

Have fun channeling your inner crafty witch.


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