Celebrating the Summer Solstice

I have a confession to make…I believe in magic. Not the magic I dreamed of as a child but the magic of nature, forgiveness, friendship, love and laughter. The magic of being in the moment and the magic of unleashing your dreams.

Have you ever celebrated the summer solstice? Even if you never have chances are your ancestors did. The summer solstice has been celebrated by all different cultures throughout time, in a variety of ways. It is a celebration of the sun and believed to be one of the most powerful days for spiritual growth and healing. As teenagers, my sisters and I would celebrate by walking barefoot in the morning dew, to absorb the healing power. As night fell we’d light torches and lanterns and spend the evening outside, keeping an eye out for fairies. To this day the summer solstice feels magical to me and full of possibility…and I still make sure to walk barefoot through the grass.

Whether you believe in the traditions and folklore that surround midsummer or not, it’s a perfect excuse to connect with nature, celebrate summer and infuse life with a little magic and whimsy. I think of it as setting my intentions for the summer, as if how I begin the season will determine how I appreciate the rest of it. And I don’t know about you, but I will always want a fun, magical summer. Even if fairies are really lightening bugs and the morning dew is only water.

Enchanting Suggestions to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Here are some ways you can celebrate the summer solstice this year, which falls on June 2oth:


Rise with the sun. Make some coffee and head outside to greet the longest day of the year. If you’re up for it, let the sound of nature be your back drop as you do some yoga.


Walk barefoot in the morning dew. The dew on the summer solstice is thought to be magical and a powerful healer, so walk barefoot, run your hands over the grass or roll around naked if you’re up for an adventure. 😉


Host an outdoor brunch. The summer solstice is a time to celebrate longer days, the power of the sun and greet a fruitful growing season. What better way to do that than to spend as much time as possible outside, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.


Collect wildflowers and ferns. Midsummer is also a celebration of fertility and beauty, use flowers and leaves to create bouquets or flower crowns.


Host a dinner under the stars. In addition to celebrating the longest day of the year, the summer solstice also celebrates the shortest night. Host a dinner under the stars and fair lights to celebrate the abundance of the coming season.


Have a bonfire. Bonfires have been used throughout the ages to celebrate and represent the power of the sun. As the fire burns down, jump over the coals to signify the release of bad energy.


Leave fruit or sweets out for the fairies. During midsummer it is thought that the fairies dance in the moonlight, sprinkling fairy dust and creating good natured mischief. Write down your wishes, burn them and leave out sweets in hopes the fairies will grant your wish.


Sleep under the stars. In some cultures they stay up all night, to greet the sun the next morning. If you’re not up for a sleepless night, camp under the stars….even better if you have a tent with a screened roof to keep the bugs away.

I hope your summer solstice (and the rest of this irresistible season!) is pure magic for you.



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