Enchanted Spaces: Island Inspired (Half) Bathroom Vision Board

I don’t know about you, but I could sure use a tropical vacation right about now. Give me suntan lotion, bikinis, palm trees, ocean waves and some reggae music and I would be a happy woman. There’s just something about that warmth and sea breeze that melts the stress away…the cocktails don’t hurt either. 😉

I’ve had three intake calls for my Enchanted Spaces service in the past week, want to know what they all had in common (other than being with awesome BA ladies)? The beach. Specifically the tropics, it came up multiple times on each call when I was asking them about the things, places and spaces they love. Each one also wanted their homes to feel comfortable- for them and their guests- but with style.

My intake process helps me understand each client and I use what they tell me as inspiration for their vision board. So, even though the three clients had strong similarities each vision board is distinctly different.

Today I’m sharing the board I put together for a half-bath my first client wanted help with. It’s a small space, with no windows, so I wanted to have fun but in a way that wouldn’t be overwhelming. Here’s what I put together:

Creating the Vision Board

I mean, do you see that vanity? Love that thing! This board makes me think of the smell after a tropical rain storm, eating fresh fruit under a palm tree and waterfalls into the ocean.

So, how’d I come up with this board? Here are some things I learned about my client during our session:

  • She loves people who are fun, caring and easy to talk to
  • Her dream vacation destination is Fiji- she loves the relaxation and serenity of the tropics
  • She would spend a free day at the beach
  • Loves fun, happy movies
  • Her favorite season is summer- she loves the warmth and hates being cold
  • She would love to live on a beach
  • Wants guests to feel at home in her space
Bringing the Client’s Responses to Life

I bet a vision came to your mind as you read that. Maybe you imagined a room of light aqua, mimicking those Fiji waters. Or, perhaps your mind focused on her love of summer and warmth and you pictured something orange and sultry. As somebody starts to share the things they love, the pain points they have, the feeling they want to achieve, you can’t help but start to form a picture in your mind. (That’s not just me right?)

You can tell, from the things my client’s drawn to, that she is a bright and fun person. While I was talking to her I knew immediately that I wanted to bring in that tropic, ocean vibe. I went for this pretty green color because blue (even a light blue) can be too dark and cold in a small space that doesn’t have a window. The color of the other rooms in her home played a role too, I didn’t want the transition to be jarring.

I actually gave the client three versions of her vision board but this one was my favorite. It reflects the client perfectly: bubbly, inviting and interesting.

Would you like a bathroom that makes you feel like you’re on a tropical vacation? Tell me in the comments below!

Check out the moody, nature inspired living room vision board I did recently: Click here

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