New Year Intentions

January not only ushers in a new calendar year but also begins a new year of life for me (100% Capricorn). So when I’m thinking about my intentions for the year, it’s doubly important.

I think getting older is the coolest. I know so much more now- about what makes me happy, who I am and what I want- than I did, even two years ago. And I’ve always thought aging was beautiful. There is something so sexy about someone who is absolutely comfortable with getting older. The ones who own it and revel in it. As a little one, I always thought older women (granted at the time they were probably late teens/early 20s) were so beautiful and glamorous. I couldn’t wait to grow up. That hasn’t changed, I still admire women who are older than me. The ones who don’t let society dictate what it means to age. Who dress with flair, aren’t afraid to be sexy, share knowledge and inspire others to be themselves. When I think about the type of woman I want to be, it’s all of those things and more.

The New Year Intentions I set help me focus on what makes me happy, which brings me ever closer to the type of woman I want to be. I believe that everything flows from happiness and I’m willing to focus on that goal for the rest of my life. Here are my 2022 intentions. What are some of yours?

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